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The Study Group on Intergenerational Consequences of the Holocaust

The Study Group on Intergenerational Consequences of the Holocaust brings together children and children’s children of those who were persecuted by the Nazis, of Holocaust survivors, but also descendants of Nazi perpetrators and bystanders. By confronting our personal histories together and by raising public awareness, we seek to counteract individual and collective tendencies towards forgetting the persecution that prevailed under National Socialism. In work circles, we promote exchange among the descendants of survivors and perpetrators/bystanders – and we extend these efforts to include public events and dialogue in a broader societal context.

Acknowledging and relating one’s own family history is an essential means of addressing traumatic and guilt-ridden experiences associated with war and the Holocaust, even in the second and later generations. We offer our members a protected space in which they can (re-)discover a personal way to express their experience and gain better access to their individual and collective history.

To realize these aims, we take recourse to psychological-psychoanalytic approaches as well as the insights/methods of scholars and political scientists. In reviewing things past, our particular interest is directed towards coping better with the present and shaping models for the future. We are committed to taking a stand against violence, xenophobia, racism and antisemitism, and to promoting democracy and humanitarianism.

These six work circles meet regularly:

  • story telling lab
  • dialogue group Cologne/Duesseldorf
  • dialogue group Berlin
  • literary circle
  • intervision group for psychotherapists
  • our workshop (research/theory)
  • film group
  • text workshop

In addition, several times a year we arrange a “Saturday Talk” for our members with the speakers from our public events, and we also hold an annual event “About Us” as a platform for exchange among our members.

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Working Groups

Literary Circle
The Literary Circle meets on a monthly basis, focussing on literary and scholarly publications and films that seek to come to terms with the experience of the Holocaust and other politically motivated traumas.
Contact: Erda Siebert,  Tel. +49 (0)211 – 66 25 44

Film Group
The Film Group meets every two months. Twice a year it presents a documentary or film which deals with the Holocaust, the First or Second World War and the intergenerational consequences of trauma. Other topics that are adressed are e.g. antisemitism, racism or far-right extremism.
Contact: Bärbel Kreidt, Tel. +49 (0)211 -383 88 95

Intervision Group
The Intervision Group is open to psychotherapists concerned with the ramifications of the Holocaust for symptomatology,  psychodynamics, and psychotherapeutic treatment.
Contact: Dr. Peter Pogany-Wnendt,  Tel. +49 (0)211 – 257 99 17

Storytelling Lab
In 2021, we launched a new group called »Storytelling Lab«. This group meets once a month online, for the time being. It is designed for newcomers to PAKH who would like to gain insight into our approach to dialogue and wish to learn about intergenerational transfers. Our focus is on the intergenerational consequences of the Holocaust and the ways in which the past continues to affect us personally and collectively. We also address current topics that are directly or indirectly linked to the NS era and its aftermath. The group is open to non-members of PAKH; anyone who is interested in our activities or is considering membership is welcome.
Contact: Alexandra Senfft, email:

The Workshop sees its role as the research group in PAKH, where  theoretical concepts derived from experience are further developed.
Contact: Erda Siebert,  Tel. +49 (0)211 – 66 25 44

Workshop “War Children / War Grandchildren”
The Work Group “War Children / War Grandchildren” addresses the consequences of being a child during the 2nd World War.

Saturday Dialogue
In the Saturday Dialogue, members and guests discuss cur- rent and historical topics relating to the content focus and the  aims of the association. The invited guests are usually authors,  directors of films or radio dramas, or persons personally af- fected. Information about events held to date can be found at

About us
The event “About us” offers a framework for dialogue and the  exchange of personal histories.

Cover image: Ausschwitz Birkenau © Alexandra Senfft

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